Overcoming Jealousy : A Dating Challenge:
Dating : The Truth About Why Men Cheat
Dating : Dealing With the Face Factor
A recent study on racial preferences of online daters provides some interesting findings. Based on profile-searching criteria set by singles using dating website, the UCI case study reveals that gender plays an important role in interracial preferences: Asian American men are the least preferred mate for Caucasian women, and African American women bear the brunt of discrimination from Caucasian men. UCI researchers say that "the stereotypical images of masculinity and femininity shape dating choices" and are a contributing factor.
Dating : Things Singles Must Know
#1 Dating Tip: Learn to Live With Uncertainty
Man, I wish I could plan and control everything that happens in my life. But hey, there are far worse things than not knowing your romantic future. Imagine being diagnosed with breast cancer, treating it, and beating it... but still wondering at every next mammogram if the cancer will have come back. That's living with uncertainty. People do it every day.
#2 Dating Tip: Be Patient
The Worst Mistakes in Dating by Men and Women
- Splashing on excessive amounts of cologne. I don't need to smell you from across the table... I know you exist.
- Wearing globs of hair gel. The wet-hair look has thankfully passed a decade ago, or is that wishful thinking?
- Yammering on about ex-girlfriends. I want to get to know you first, not the women you've been with. Use your guy friend to cry on, not me.
- Suggesting they want an "open relationship." Hold it, buddy. Are you interested in me or my best friend? Make up your mind because versatility in this case doesn't get you dating points.
Dating Tips : Getting Into a Man's Head
How many times have you wondered, "What is this guy thinking!" If you want to get into a man's heart, you have to start by getting into his head. The problem is many men have a hard time being open about their thoughts and feelings.
No man is going to let you into his real thoughts if he senses he is going to be criticized or put down. Leave out comments like "How could you do something like that?" or "That's not something I would do."
When psychotherapists are in training, they are often taught to erase the word "why" from their vocabulary, because "why" questions frequently sound negative and critical.
Nothing makes a man want to talk less than hearing "We need to talk." It conveys the message that he's done something wrong, he's in trouble for it, and you are going to let him have it. He will shut down before the conversation starts.
Chances are you always listen to him but you don't always hear him. How many times have you had something else on your mind as he is talking to you? Or maybe you are thinking about what you're going to say next instead of paying full attention.
Dating Dilemma: Is She Attracted to Me?
- She will not look at her watch.
- She will not look around the room.
- She will be totally fixated on you the whole time.
- She will play with her hair and lick her lips before she moves towards you, because she is creating a sexual feeling inside her.
- She will reach her hand across the table and glance at yours.
- She will touch your shoulder or another part of you very casually.
- When she is speaking, she will touch her leg or her face, imagining it was you who was touching her.
Do You Know How to Stop Serial Dating?
Dating : Ups and Downs
Here's my list of the top ups and downs of dating -- and how to feel better about them:
Be Confident in Your Dating Life
What's the number one thing that all daters are attracted to? Here's a hint: It's the same thing that all women find really desirable. OK, I know what you're probably thinking -- fame, or money, or good looks, right? And yes, women are attracted to these things, but the number one quality that you must possess to market yourself to single women -- and to win with women in general -- is intangible, and you don't have to be a millionaire or to have won the genetic lottery to have it. It's dating confidence. (That's C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E.)
Not coincidentally, confidence is also the key attribute that all professional salespeople must call their own in order to be successful. People do not buy products or services from someone who has no confidence in the products they represent. Remember, in the dating world, the "product you represent" is you! Within the dynamics of dating, you are the salesman, and women are your customers. It's up to you to sell the product with assurance and believability -- with such confidence -- that your customers will want to buy it. Think about it:
Why would a woman have confidence in you if you don't have confidence in yourself? And while you might agree with what I'm saying about confidence, do you apply it in your dating life?
Here's what I mean. If a woman asked you to describe yourself, how would you do it? By saying you're a "typical" guy or an "average Joe"? If so, stop selling yourself short! And go look up "average" in the dictionary: "standard, usual, ordinary, mediocre, not very good." To get my point across, consider this ad statement: "He is a very average director who makes very average movies." I bet you can't wait to buy tickets to this guy's movie, right?
Women don't want the "average" guy any more than you want your "average" girl. Women are attracted to confident, exciting men who have passion. If you want to start winning with women, you must stop talking about yourself like you're an "average guy" and start acting like you're the greatest guy. Attracting women is all about your attitude -- and if you think of yourself as just "average," your attitude needs a boost!
How is your dating attitude projected? Your attitude is projected in the way you walk, talk, and act toward other people. Attitude is the outward reflection of what's going on inside. When you know you're wonderful, it's reflected in everything you do. There's a level of confidence that simply shines through.
Now, an obvious question is, "What if you don't have confidence?"
I should know a thing or two about finding your dating confidence. I wrote an entire book on the subject called " Date Out Of Your League. It's almost entirely dedicated toward helping single men appeal to the most attractive women by achieving a better attitude, and it totally dispels the dating myth that I hear all the time from guys about confidence. The myth goes something like this: Confidence is something that comes naturally. You either have it or you don't. Not true. In fact, very rarely is confidence something you are born with.
Dating confidence is a quality that is learned and acquired. Its growth is gradual and based upon the accumulation of little successes and skills over time. Confidence comes in knowing what to do and when to do it, then in following through and doing it! Because confidence is a characteristic that you can obtain, the important thing is to set the wheels in motion and begin methodically and progressively building it now, and then continue adding to it -- for life.
The biggest contributor to (or detractor of) confidence is attitude. The "Law of Concentration" has proven that you really are what you think. If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you are right! Thought becomes reality, and when you take control of your conscious mind and purposely think of who you want to be rather than who you aren't, and focus on what you want rather than what you're afraid you can't have, you will have taken a huge leap toward success.
OK, so you can see how confidence affects your attitude, and attitude affects whether or not you get your ideal woman along with just about everything else you want in life. But you still don't have it. What to do now?
Start by implementing a plan of dating action that will help your confidence.
1. Squash negative thoughts. While we may all have self-doubt at times, when it overruns your life, or dictates your decisions, you've let it go too far. It's within your power to put these feelings aside and opt for more positive, optimistic ones. Plus, women can sense negativity and insecurity from a mile away, and it's a turn-off.
2. Have a goal. Don't wander aimlessly through life with no plans and no direction. Get focused on something, anything, and move toward it. Find your passion. Women feel passionately about passionate men. Whether it's your career, or art, or, well, just about anything, we like it when you're moved by something. And yes, even sports count, though they may not be at the top of our lists.
3. Believe in your own dating greatness. This one is the result of the first two. You don't have to do anything in order to get confident except follow through with your plan of action. A guy who thinks he's fantastic without being too arrogant is intoxicating to women. Trust me, you'll see.
Dating Tips : Advance From Friend to Boyfriend
- Don't sell yourself. If you meet and become friends with a woman who has a boyfriend, don't sell yourself to her at all. Get to know her over a period of time. If a woman is attracted to you as a person, she could become attracted to you as a significant other. It all depends on where she is in her life.We all know that many relationships tend to "go south" and end. The problem is that a lot of single men will meet a woman who is in a relationship and decide not to befriend her at all. I'm not suggesting that you become the shoulder she comes to cry on when things are going wrong with her boyfriend. But you can get to know her as a person, because you never know where life may lead you down the road. So don't be a salesman, and don't berate her boyfriend. Be yourself. Have a good time with her, and see if natural chemistry develops between you. When you are genuine and take the time to get to know her as a person, she might start to look at you in a different light and end her relationship.
- Don't be afraid to express yourself. If you've already been friends for a long time and she's never thought about you in a romantic way, there's a good chance she'll never think of you romantically. The way so many guys get themselves into the eternal friend zone is that they play it too safe when they first meet a woman. They act in a very passive-aggressive way toward her. They are so afraid of expressing any indication of their romantic interest that they go out of their way not to express any feelings toward her at all. For example, instead of really asking the woman out on a date, they ask her to hang out in a group. You will always end up in the friend zone in this situation, because you have never asked her out on a real date. If you're interested in a woman, you need to ask her out so it's clear to her that you are interested.
- Be patient. Stop thinking about immediate gratification all the time. Not every woman you meet today is going to want to go out with you tonight. Think of befriending women as building a portfolio of interesting people with whom you can get together in the future. You need to treat the single woman you meet as long-term investments. Just enjoy getting to know her as a person right now, because you never know what may happen. Chemistry just might spark between the two of you.
- Be direct. Don't ever ask a woman's friends to tell you about what she is thinking, and in particular do not ask them what she thinks about you. If you've got a crush on a female friend of yours, you need to call her and say, "You know what? I want to go out with you. You and I need to hang out alone." Make it clear to her that you want to go out on a date with her. It doesn't matter if she says yes or if she says no. It just matters that you take the chance. You will define the relationship one way or another, and then you can move forward.
Perfect Your Dating Approach With a "Prop"
1. She has a great dog, so you pet the dog and ask, "What's your dog's name?" Obviously she will tell you, to which you can comment on how sweet the dog is and the conversation should naturally unfold.
2. You're in a cafe and she has a newspaper. You can ask, "Do you mind if I read that section when you're done?" When she gives it to you, ask, "Anything exciting I should read first?"
3. On an airplane, ask to borrow a pen. If you're feeling really courageous, once you've got her pen, shake her hand and say very seriously, "Nice to meet you, I'm ranked #2 among America's Most Wanted Pen Thieves. Ever seen it?" Sure it's kinda cheesy, but it's also the kind of off-the-wall thing women love.
4. At a diner, ask her if you can borrow the salt from her table. When she gives it to you, say, "Thanks, I saw you eyeballing it so I thought I'd help out by removing the temptation for you. Salt is very bad for you, ya know," as you proceed to douse your own food with it -- another one that's sure to get some laughs.
5. In a bank line, you can even use the lack of customer service on the part of the tellers as a prop. Why? Because it gives you something to talk about -- that's exactly what props are for.
How to Navigate the First Date
1. The Predate
- Dress for the occasion, but more important, dress to show respect. Reminder: It's still better to overdress.
- Easy on the cologne. Avoid novelty ties. Arm yourself with the tools of modern chivalry.
2. The Pickup
- Be on time.
- Go to the door.
- Do not bring flowers -- it's outdated. You may, however, bring a small, thoughtful gift that you did not purchase from Wicks 'n' Sticks or B. Dalton Bookseller.
- If you're taking a cab, you should open the door for her, give the directions, and pay.
- While amusing, avoid that bit where you go and then stop and pretend to drive away without her.
- No music -- try talking.
- If you find the ensuing silence unbearable, you may put on music, but avoid the following: a) talk radio; b) anything in which R. Kelly describes something overtly about intimacy; c) playlists consisting entirely of songs that feature her name.
- Open the door for her. In case of revolving doors, you go first.
- Wait until she's seated to take your seat. At fancier joints, it's the waiter's job to help her with her chair, not yours.
- Never order for her. And never present a coupon to the waiter while saying, "And the lady will have something of equal or lesser value."
- Sharing food: If she suggests it, you're doing it.
- Pay. If she offers to help, say something sincere like, "It's my pleasure," not something you think is witty, like, "I'll consider this a down payment for later, if you know what I mean!"
- Walk at her pace.
- Tradition dictates that you should walk on the outside of her to avoid puddle splashes and runaway carriages, but feel free to disregard this unless your date takes place in Colonial Williamsburg (not advised).
- Offer her your arm. It's chivalrous and also a good way to initiate contact.
- Be a man. Make your move. May God be with you.
- You're not going inside. Unless she suggests it.
- No texting. Call the next day. Two days, tops.
- If she answers the phone, thank her for a great night and schedule a second date.
- If you get voice mail, thank her and ask her to call you back.
- If she answers the phone "Sam's Pizza" and pretends you've got the wrong number, all bets are off.
What's Behind the Trend of Women Dating Younger Men?
There appears to be a trend of older women dating younger men, notably illustrated by celebrity couples including Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher, Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry, and the most recent fling between 48-year-old Linda Hogan and 19-year-old Charlie Hill. According to a study of 50,000 women daters over 30, conducted by an online dating site in 2007, more than one-third of the subjects showed interest in men at least 5 years younger. And in 2003, an AARP survey revealed 34 percent of 3,500 women (between ages 40 and 69) dated men who are 10 or more years younger than themselves. This trend appears to be shocking to some people, but I don't find it so unusual.
Socially, there's a role reversal of sorts going on, women are more powerful now than ever before and may want men who are younger, and perhaps, more flexible; men who can handle it if the woman's career and lifestyle takes priority over their own. Media portrayals in "Sex and the City" (like movie characters Smith Jerrod and Samantha Jones) and "Desperate Housewives" are also showing women that dates don't have to be older. Women who have high-powered careers -- or a well-developed self-image -- are exercising more choice. Women who have been divorced and are established single moms may enjoy having a playmate, someone to have fun with; who doesn't try to control her.
Can these older woman/younger man relationships last?In my counseling office, I have seen many relationships succeed with this kind of older woman/younger man scenario.
The media focuses on the age difference, but what really makes or breaks the relationship is how well the couple can form a partnership that works.
Age difference is an adolescent worry: When you're a teenager, an age difference of even two or three years makes a vast difference in your experience and your outlook on life. Such a difference can interfere with communication, life goals, outlook, and relationship experience. In addition, for the young, the social reaction to such a relationship is often negative. If one partner is underage, a sexual relationship is even against the law.
But, as you get older, life experience and emotional growth help to equalize your relationship skills and resources. A 10-year or more difference in your ages makes little difference in how well you can conduct your relationship.
Don't focus on an arbitrary numbers difference in your ages. If you are getting along, you have good communication and problem solving, and you love each other, that's a precious thing, and far more important than any age difference could be. If other people have a problem with it, let it be their problem.
Whether or not a relationship is healthy is not determined by age differences, but by the interaction between the partners. A 10-year difference is not too difficult to bridge, but a 20-year differences or more in age can lead to some difficulties as the partners get older. For example, the younger partner may mature and reconsider his or her choices, or an older partner may confront aging problems much sooner. But, as long as both parties are adult, and the couple has talked about their age difference and the future possibilities, I don't make judgments about their respective ages.
Dealing with the generation gapThere are healthy and unhealthy reasons to date someone of a different generation.
One inappropriate motivation for dating a younger person is fear of aging on the older person's part. A younger partner isn't going to reverse the aging process or protect you from old age. Obviously, a man or woman who dates someone as young as his or her children is going to run into some social opposition, but the differences that can cause the biggest problems within the couple's relationship are differing maturity levels.
As more and more women choose younger partners for relationships, the question arises: Are women in their late 30s and early 40s likely to be successful with partners who are 10 to 15 years younger than themselves?
Success in these relationships depends on what the motivations of both people are. Some older people feel younger at heart than their contemporaries and like to date people who are as active as they are. Chronological age doesn't always reflect either physical capability or emotional maturity. Sometimes an age difference creates a mentoring relationship the older person advises the younger one on life or career. This can backfire if and when the younger person decides he or she has learned enough, and wants to move on.
If you're asking: "Is it OK for me to have a partner who is much older or younger than I am?" You'll do better off if you forget about your ages and concentrate on whether the relationship works for both of you, or not. What really makes a romantic relationship succeed is the emotional connection.
Dating Tips: 9 Flirting Moves That Work
Flirting Move #1: The Longer-Than-Normal Eye Gaze
Flirting Move #2: The Wink
Flirting Move #3: The Hair Flip
Flirting Move #4: The Oral Fixation (sucking a lollipop, licking lips, etc.)
Flirting Move #5: The Mirror (i.e., if you lean in, she leans in)
Flirting Move #6: The Whisper
Flirting Move #7: The "Accidental" Touch
Flirting Move #8: The Smile
Flirting Move #9: The Footsie Play
Make Successful Date Under 20 Bucks!
I've devised a simple list of 20 date ideas for under 20 dollars.Whether you want adventure, romance, outdoor exploration, or cultural exposure, there are plenty of low-cost options to choose from.
Adventurous Dates:
2) If you and your date enjoy photography, pack your cameras and go on a photography adventure together.
3) Dine at an affordable restaurant offering Eastern cuisine -- like Chinese or Indian -- and enjoy a cheaper and more exotic meal than your usual date fare.
4) Check out your local paper or the Internet for free events or festivals in your area.
5) Visit your city's famous landmarks that you probably take for granted or haven't seen since you were a little kid!
Romantic Dates:
2) Meet for a glass of wine at a wine bar in an interesting area before taking a stroll in the neighborhood.
3) If you've hung out a few times... invite your date over and make a gourmet pizza together.
4) Take a Salsa dance class, which is often cheap or free.
5) Rent a rowboat with your date on a sunny day.
Outdoor Dates:
2) Shoot hoops, play frisbee, or rollerblade. Sports are great for competitive flirting!
3) If one or both of you have a dog, visit a dog park together.
4) Plan a picnic. Impress your date with a fun dish.
5) Go fly a kite (just don't tell your date that or he/she may get offended...)
Cultural Dates:
2) Go see live comedy. Even if it stinks, you'll still laugh.
3) See an old film at a repertory movie house.
4) Attend a lecture or a workshop on a topic that you're both interested in learning more about.
5) Enjoy a gallery or museum together (many galleries even have pay what you can).
When planning your next date, remember that you can have fun without spending lots of money. Instead of succumbing to a lavish dating routine, substitute the ordinary extravagance with one of my creative options.
Dating Challenge: Crossing the 'Friend Zone'
You've had feelings for your friend for a while and you're worried about crossing the line and ruining the friendship. That's not really true, of course, but that's what you keep telling yourself so you can justify not putting yourself on the line and risking rejection.
Sure -- it's possible to love a friend of the opposite sex without picturing him or her in bed. Having feelings for your friend doesn't necessarily prove Harry's theory in "When Harry Met Sally" who famously declared that "No man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her."
There are exceptions to Harry's rule, but one thing is certain -- being seen as just a friend by all the people you want to date can be frustrating. So here are a few ways to prevent being stuck in (cue scary music): 'The Friend Zone':
1. Do Flirt
It's okay if romance is on your brain when you greet your friend. In fact, it can fuel the chemistry. It's good for your friend to catch you subtly checking him or her out. As long as you're not drooling or gawking, it can be sexy. You want your friend to think he or she imagined the look. Light touching and sincere and specific compliments are great for flirting, too.
2. Don't Be the Problem Solver
Are you on speed dial every time your friend needs something fixed or wants to process a bad relationship? It's nice to help your friend occasionally, but make sure you're not the one he or she associates with problems.
If you do come over to help, mention that you're happy to assist for an hour but have plans after that. Better to remain a little mysterious and have your friend wondering who else is getting your attention.
3. Have Fun
Create unique memories. You're aware of your friend's passions, so initiate fun and interesting activities that you know your friend will enjoy but isn't doing with others.
And -- if someone has dumped you, confide in a friend you don't have feelings for! Remember to keep an upbeat attitude and stay confident -- those are two of the most attractive qualities cited by singles when looking for a mate.
Of course, not every friendship ends with a romantic happy ending and you may have to be prepared that your crush just wants to stay your friend. You'll have to decide if that's enough for you.
In the meantime, if you feel like you often end up in the friend zone with people you want to date, plant some of these seeds and see if anything grows in your relationship. Sometimes a glass of wine or a flirtatious exchange can change the dynamic... and you look at each other and wonder why it took so long.
Dating Older Women :: Perspectives from the "younger men" and dating tips for them
The reasons why some men date older women are as varied as the women themselves. These women, because of their experience, often have more wisdom and self-assurance than younger women -- perhaps they may also possess more self-reliance and tolerance.
Some men receive mentoring from older women, who have had more relationship experience and often understand men well. Clearer about who they are and what they want, "older women" may even have an advantage in the dating arena.
In some cases, having a relationship with an older woman may work for men who don't want children:
"My wife and I have been married for almost 20 years," says Rocco. "She was 53 and I was 41 when we met. We both shared many values, including our faith. Our children are grown up now, and mine love her. So, it's worked out very well. I tell men who have been divorced at least once to go for an older woman... If you find the right one, don't worry about age -- unless you still want more children."
A man who dates someone who has children his age will run into the occassional social opposition. But there are men (like Ben, 25, who is dating a 45-year-old woman) who can overcome resistance. Ben says:
"A woman can be 25 and marry a man of 45 or 55 and, hey, whatever. Traditionally, it's been ingrained in our psyches... that's the way it goes, but not the other way around. We've always known that age may be an issue. But now that we've been together for a while, I have a new perspective.
Not all men are comfortable dating older women. Some men, like Clyde, worry about the future. Clyde says:
"I dated a woman who is 15 years older. We dated for a bit and then settled into just enjoying each others company. She has a fit body and is an attractive woman. People said to me, why don't I commit to her if we enjoy each other's company? I told them I worried about how things would feel in 10 years when she's over 60 and I'm in my 40s... And then further down the years."
Through my experience as a therapist and marriage counselor, age difference isn't as important in a relationship as most people think. What counts is whether a couple can create a working partnership and build an enjoyable life together. So, for you men who've fallen head-over-heels in love with an older woman, I've developed nine tips on how to enjoy your newly found romance:
1. Be a gentleman. An older woman wants to be treated with respect, like any woman does. While she might attracted to your rebelliousness or youthful attitude, she still wants you to treat her with good manners.
2. Don't get ahead of yourself. Don't worry about the future until you actually might have one. Take your time and allow the relationship to develop.
3. Stay calm. You may be excited, but don't overdo it. Have fun and enjoy your dates, but don't come on too strong. She has some reservations, too.
4. Be charming. Don't underestimate how powerful your smile can be. Use it often, make eye contact, and keep the conversation flowing. Pay attention to what interests you about your date, and show interest in her opinions, experiences, and activities. Be complimentary whenever possible, and respond intelligently to whatever she says.
5. Don't focus on looks. Give compliments, but focus less on her physical appearance -- she may be anxious about it. And even if you're complimentary, she may worry that you're too focused on looks. She wants to be appreciated for who she is, including her intellect and style. Compliments like "That color is lovely on you," or "You look great tonight" are safer than "You're in great shape."
6. Have fun. Keep your dates simple and have a good time. Focus on being pleasant, and not getting too far ahead of the relationship. Refrain from talking too long about any one subject without inviting a comment from your date.
7. Keep conversation interesting and light. Feel free to talk about anything, including your personal lives, past relationships, and love in general, but don't be the one who brings up the intimate topics first. Be wary of prying too deeply into her private life and secrets, unless the information is voluntarily offered.
8. Avoid talking too much about yourself. Keep your focus on learning about your date. Dole out the boring information about yourself. Punctuate your conversation with questions: "What do you think?" "Has it been that way for you?"
9. Pay attention! Listen to answers to your questions. You have things to learn here! Seek to get to know each other better. No matter how thrilled you may be about her, listening to what she says, watching what she does, and understanding how she feels are the most important things you can do.
NO Matter Who Pays, First Date Must be Cheap
The first date is always very very crucial to the development of any new relationship. If you can manage everything successfully, your first date will be a great one , but you will have a bad time on the other hand if you can't and you will find your relationship almost over!
The things you will do and the place you will select for your very first date should always be under great consideration. For men, it is quite important to keep trying to understand what the lady is thinking or what she wants. You can take her to do something she enjoys and everything else will likely fall into lace. but if you go somewhere boring, you will have a hard time making your beloved happy.
It is our common nature that we always expected a guy to pay for most of the expenses in a first date. The guy should pay, especially if he does the asking, but we encourage even a halfheartedly mumbled attempt by the woman to spring for something like a round of drinks, the tip, 10 percent of the bail bond. This is mainly because such a gesture works wonders to build up a new relationship.
Most often all of the responses were from guys, most o f whom felt victimized to some degree by women who wanted a free lunch, or dinner, or gourmet picnic in a verdant meadow (more about that later). Most Interestingly, no women in the meantime wrote in outraged about how our opinion perpetuates the stereotype of men having to coddle and take care of the opposite sex because they can't even take care of themselves.
In any case, one of the missives stood out from the rest, and not just because it sailed through the transom affixed to a brick. It was from a guy named Rob (we won't identify him further, in case he might ever want to try dating again), who felt we weren't hard enough on women who seem to expect to be wined and dined ad infinitum. To illustrate his argument,
he broke down his expenses fo r a recent first date, from $7 for parking to $95 for a comedy show and drinks. Oh, and with a high-end dinner in between. The total was around $200 for, he said, "someone I barely even know."
To which we can only respond, what, no private jet to Maui for a hot-stone massage in Hana?
Say what you will about who should pay for first dates (please discuss among yourselves, because we're officially sick of the topic), but Rob caused his own problem by going too far, too fast. And that's not something you'll hear very often from this space.
Which brings us to today's lesson: What is an appropriate activity for a first date?
(Let's stipulate that this is not an online-dating first date, for which the only acceptable venue is a Starbucks, or a crowded bar with two exits, preferably one near the restrooms. No, this is a true first date, arrived at only after a certain amount of flirting, emailing and driving by her house 50 times.)